Sunday, June 17, 2007


hot corn.

after what can only be described as one of the least efficient days of travel, i arrived in lincoln ne, safe and sound.

to document the inefficiencies of the day, the following:

fly out of sacramento 6:30am (Pacific)
arrive in minneapolis 11:30am (Central)
go standby on a flight going into omaha, departing 12:56pm (Central)
arrive in omaha, ne 1:56pm (Central)
catch a shuttle into lincoln 3:00pm ???
NOPE. 3:00pm shuttle is cancelled.

wait in the omaha airport until 5:00pm
arrive in lincoln via shuttle 6:30pm
settle into my "dorm" 7:00pm
NOTE: registration was from 4:00-6:00 and dinner was from 6:15 - 7:15
scramble desperately to find my group arrive at the dinner 7:10pm
catch up with the group in time for workshop 7:15
buy dinner 9:30pm
eat dinner in dorm and wait for internet. 10:30pm

the best parts of my day:

spotting "The Governator" shirts with pics of Arnold on t-shirts at the newsstand in Sacramento, while waiting at the security checkpoint. Available in Black, White, Grey, and Pink.

even weirder: all of the ones for sale said "The Governator" but one of the grey ones on display said "The Govenator" TYPO!

sitting next to Betsy McT and her daughter Ruby on the flight from Minneapolis to Omaha. She was a real artsy lady. From Brooklyn. We talked and talked, even though I dont usually talk to people on the plane. I found out she was really good friends with Tricia Sheehan-Currans who writes mostly fiction, but is also the managing editor of the Briar Cliff Review out in Sioux City, IA. Anyway, she said that I should send some work to TSC and that I should mention in the cover letter that I bumped into her good friend Betsy on a flight from wherever to wherever. So, you know what I will be doing come August 1st (the beginning of their reading period).

Arriving late to workshop - hot, sweaty and panty from walking seven and a half blocks, uphill in humid and hotness.

what lies ahead?

a deposit.
meeting like minded folk.
writing & writing!

more from the land of hot cows and hot corn in the days to come.


Kristen said...

nebraska...home of arbor day?

lc said...

so it appears.


The History of Arbor Day
The idea for Arbor Day originally came from Nebraska. A visit to Nebraska today wouldn't disclose that the state was once a treeless plain. Yet it was the lack of trees there that led to the founding of Arbor Day in the 1800s.

Among pioneers moving into the Nebraska Territory in 1854 was J. Sterling Morton from Detroit. He and his wife were lovers of nature, and the home they established in Nebraska was quickly planted with trees, shrubs and flowers.

Morton was a journalist and soon became editor of Nebraska's first newspaper. Given that forum, he spread agricultural information and his enthusiasm for trees to an equally enthusiastic audience.

His fellow pioneers missed their trees. But, more importantly, trees were needed as windbreaks to keep soil in place, for fuel and building materials, and for shade from the hot sun.

Morton not only advocated tree planting by individuals in his articles and editorials, but he also encouraged civic organizations and groups to join in. His prominence in the area increased, and he became secretary of the Nebraska Territory, which provided another opportunity to stress the value of trees.

Crickettu said...

Hey you! I'm glad you made it safely. I was soo happy there was a new post to read. HAHA i'm a dork can't help it. Well I just wanted to say hi and hope everything is going smoothly.